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Get inspired and feel at ease in our Moms Circle
A unique circle for mothers of all stages! Together we're working through the three chapters of 'Journal your way into Conscious Parenting' (you'll be gifted this journal for free upon signing up!). We heal from childhood traumas, let go of blame towards our own parents and find compassion for ourselves as parents.
In our current society we're encouraged to heal alone, but healing takes place when we feel held. That's why healing in a safe group is so much more powerful. Whether that's healing from big traumas, or healing from a feeling that we're not doing good enough as parents, anyone is welcome in this warm circle.
Sign up for a small (max 10p) group of mothers of all ages and parts of the world. A group that can offer you new perspectives, that you can learn from and where you can feel safe.
A truly transformative 3 month journey (biweekly meetings) that any parent from each stage can benefit from!
*Dutch and English groups available

A workbook every parent should have
How can we guide our kids to become emotionally mature humans? It starts with ourselves. It’s imperative that we as parents create awareness around who we truly are. How have our upbringing and past experiences molded our psyche and perception of reality? Where do our triggers and coping mechanisms come from? Understanding who we truly are will allow us as parents to bring our behavior out of the subconscious into the conscious mind. With that comes the freedom to change our behavior and become the best version of a parent we can be.
This workbook helps you you'll expand your emotional awareness around your own upbringing and how you raise your children. In chapter one you'll revisit your own childhood through the lens of your adult self, creating compassion for your younger self and letting go of limiting beliefs. Chapter two takes you to explore your family history, generational traumas and resilience, giving you a chance to understand your (grand)parents behaviours and releasing any blame towards them. In the third chapter you'll explore how your ways of parenting influences how your children see the world. By creating emotional awareness, you can move from reacting to acting. In that difference lies the power to become the best parent you can be.