Learn the Ashtanga Primary Series in 10 weeks
For people who truly want to understand Yoga
Yoga can be a physical workout with a fun playlist, or it can be life changing. I prefer it to be the latter. That's why I designed this course.
Yoga is more than just poses; it's chanting, philosophy, breath work, finding stillness, but also discipline. When all these elements are integrated in your practice, it becomes life changing indeed.
In 10 weeks I guide people, from beginner to experienced yogi, through the Ashtanga Primary series. This is a physically challenging practice, and yet anybody can join. This course is about practicing with discipline, gaining a deep understanding of your body and the mind-body connection, and experiencing the yoga philosophy in your practice.
Classes over Zoom. Access to recordings.
2x a week, 1.5hr each
Small groups, max 10
Breakdown of physical poses, breath work, philosophy
Individual feedback + discussion
3x personal feedback on video recordings
This will be the 7th edition of this course. What clients keep on mentioning is the deep understanding of the mind-body connection that they gained. That also allows them to get into poses that they deemed impossible. There are many many layers to this practice. Pattabhi Jois, the founder of Ashtanga yoga, used to say: 'After 10 years you're a solid beginner'. This makes that this course suits every level. People who are new to yoga will get a well-rounded understanding of yoga with much detail to a safe and physically correct practice. Experienced yogis will be guided to make their physical practice into a strong meditative practice, deepening their mind-body connection.
Next dates: Sept 16th till Nov 21st, 2024
Mondays + Thursdays 7pm EST
Price: $489 usd